What gets eaten in vegas, gets posted about here!

Hello Everybody, 
It's been a little while, I know, I know. I've had a lot on my plate. I got a new nephew, I sold my shoe-box apartment, and in a month I'm heading to ATX, y'all! But before the big move I took a little ladies' trip to Las Vegas!! Aside from all the eye-candy and dancing, there was plenty of delicious opportunities for me to stuff my face. 

Admittedly, this was a trip of firsts for me. There are at least two things I ate that I'd never tried before, and luckily I truly enjoyed both of them. It was Vegas, after all, so my memory might be a little foggy on some of these details and I recognize these are not my best photos. Cheers!

First stop was Searsucker at Caesars Palace. We ordered a few items for the table and then we all shared everything. This is a very fun way to eat, as you can taste a little bit of everything. This works particularly well for someone like me who always wants about six different things off every menu and even if I narrow things down to two, it takes me way too long to pick. I always feel like it's the most important decision I'll ever make, what if this is my last meal!?

I was fortunate that everyone else at the table pretty much knew what they wanted so I got to just sit back and be surprised and delighted. We ordered: 

spicy hamachi & avocado fresno chili / cilantro / oil - I'd never had this item, it was very much like ceviche, but with very huge pieces of fish. It was equal parts light because of the citrus flavors, but heavy because of the very meaty fish. I enjoyed it, as did everyone else. As you can see from the picture it was one of those nights when we eat so fast we are un-apologetically without decorum and have complete disregard for my efforts to document our meals. 
bone marrow fresno chili bourbon glaze - This was another item I'd never had before. IT WAS AMAZING. I have no idea how marrow works, or how it becomes edible, all I know is that when they bring it out to you, you can scoop it out of the bone like a delectable jam. A delicious meaty, sweet, gelatinous jam that you will now want to spread on everything. EVERY. THING. 
jalapeño-chorizo corn - I'm sad to say this was the one thing I picked out and it wasn't very good. The corn was too sour or tart, maybe they put too much lemon on it. I have no idea but I only had one bite. Sorry guys! 
lollipop wings buffalo sauce / blue cheese fondue - I have to say these were fine buffalo wings, but truthfully nothing special about them. Especially not for a fancy and expensive place like Searsucker. Want wings? Hit up a sports bar. 
duckfat fries - These were also amazing but unfortunately came out a little late and we were all so stuffed from everything else we didn't get a chance to really dig into them. 

Here are some pictures of the hamachi and of the bone marrow: 
Bone Marrow

If you'd like to read about more things I ate in Vegas click here Night 2!


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