Never met a pickle I didn't hate, until now.

DATE: April 5, 2014
LOCATION: 43 East 30th Street New York, NY 10016

Okay folks, winter is finally OVER and Saturday was the first gorgeous, no-hat day in what seems like FOR.EVA! So, to stretch our legs and start curing our cabin fever, the boy and I went into the city to try out a new barbecue place, mostly because he loves pulled pork and because I'll eat anything. So for this particular gastric excursion we hit up Mason Jar on east 30th street. 

First off, a drink: This is a Kentucky cooler (Bourbon, orange, grenadine, Dark rum)
Delicious, but weak. Tasted mostly like orange juice with a only the aroma of bourbon hitting you at the end of your sip.

The pictures of the appetizers are totally horrible because we were starving and we inhaled half of it in about 2 minutes after the waitress set it down on the table. Half way through I finally took my phone out to take a photo of it. But use your imagination to fill in the empty parts of the plate. 
Here is a disclaimer:  I do not like fancy cheese that I can't pronounce, I know that sounds really unrefined, but let's face it- I like box mac and cheese and also liquid cheese on my macaroni, think Boston Market. Additionally, I hate pickles, but He loves them. So even though he knew that most likely he will have to eat an entire order by himself, we ordered them. 

Mac and cheese shells with cheese sauce and parmesan panko crust.
THIS mac and cheese was my kind of perfect, liquid cheese but not as cheddary or as yellow as velveeta, so pale yellow liquid cheese that's not so thick it chokes you. Grossed out yet? I don't care because I loved it! Oh yea, and the parmesan panko crumble on top was delicious. 

Now, let's move on to the fried pickles.  These were fried pickles for people who don't like pickles. The batter was cornmeal but not very gritty, as cornmeal should be, so you couldn't really tell it was corn meal. The slices were small in circumference and also super thin. What does that mean? It means that it didn't retain all of that sour vinegary nastiness that pickle-lovers love so much. So if you like pickles because they're sour, these are not the ones for you. 

And Lastly,
For my main entrée I ordered Breakfast Burrito which came stuffed with eggs, beans, pico de gallo, monterey jack cheese served with house salad, sliced avocado, home fries, salsa borracha. 

The cheese was virtually not there, I didn't see or taste any pico de gallo, and the beans were nothing special. I like my eggs runny, and for me they were a little dried out. The Salsa Borracha was only mildly spicy, I enjoyed it, but for those who like to turn up the heat there is Cholula on the table. I'll review the burrito's sidekicks in reverse. The home fries were the best part of this Mexican bento box, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside and lots of flavor all over. The avocado slices were plain, but I heart avocado so I don't care if they were unadorned.

As far as the salad...

Me: the little salad seems too fancy to be accompanying a burrito..
The Boy:..if that's not a first world problem...
Me: (I made this face

All in all, the mac and cheese was the star of the meal. And I'm thrilled spring is finally here.

May your meals be ever in your flavor,


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