Diggy Diggy!

DATE: July 31, '14
LOCATION: 350 Hudson

Hello Everyone!
Not that any of you knew where I worked before, and not like I’m going to tell you now, but I have moved to a different location and that means a plethora of new places to go and stuff my face. I’ve tried a few places already, but this will be the first one I review.

This is Dig Inn, popular lunch spot for the working crowd in Hudson Square. I shall begin with identifying the items I ordered this afternoon:

A. Spicy Meatballs over brown rice
B. String Beans & Roasted Potatoes  (w/ mustard, spices, thyme & fresh parsley)
C. Local Cucumber & Avocado Salad w/ Creamy Chia Dressing (w/ onion, local tomato, local basil)

So I started by digging into the Cucu & Avo, which was chock full of onions and didn't have a single tomato in site. Didn't see that coming, but I enjoyed the onions, and I hate tomatoes in salads anyway so good riddance to you. The dressing was light, and had a slight citrus undertone; the avo was definitely outnumbered by the cucumber, but it was delightful and refreshing. This portion had the most flavor on the plate.

Then I dug into the meatball. Initially I thought, whoa, hello Blandy McBlanderson,  but then before I could even fully formulate that entire thought, I tasted the ‘spicy.’ It was barely spicy, and it was the heat of the black-pepper variety. The meat was soft and the tomato sauce also lacked a bit of punch. The brown rice was simple, and definitely not as grossly crunchy as I've had before. I would definitely revisit the idea of eating brown rice on a regular basis. The roasted potatoes were fine potatoes. Not overly salty or seasoned, as was the theme of this meal. The string bean was earthy. Not in the “I’m covered in dirty” kind of way, but more in the “I've never been frozen” kind of way. And that got me thinking.

Have you ever seen a celebrity, fully adorned with make-up and hairspray? And you think whoa, she is gorgeous. But, then you see her in a picture without any make-up and you think she looks okay or even homely. But really, she’s more than okay, you just get used to seeing her with all the bells and whistles on. But don’t forget you aren't seeing the real person when all you see is hair and make-up. That’s how this meal was.

This meal’s flavor certainly didn't knock my socks off, mainly because, well I’m used to eating overly Americanized foods. But as I continued to eat I realized I didn't dislike this food. I could definitely tell that this food was natural, and simple, and probably what food SHOULD taste like. For under $8, I got this full plate of food and I was full to satisfaction. Normally, you’re full and then you feel like a hippopotamus and don’t even want to move. With this meal, I didn't feel grossly heavy after I licked up the last bite. I felt like I did my body a favor.

Oh, and bonus: As I walked to the public seating area to eat my lunch in the sunshine, I received a free bottle of iced tea. It is one of the best iced teas I've ever had. I always struggle with iced tea, especially the ones that say green or black tea. They are always too sugary, or too bitter. This was neither! It was mild in flavor, and just barely sweet. Good for you, Heartof Tea!



  1. I have given her a clever disguise to protect her privacy, even though she's still a jerk.


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