Bad Burgers and Delicious Doughnut

Hello my foodie friends!

Happy New Year and Happy Valentine's day and all that junk. My buddy is in town this week and we have definitely hit up some nifty nosh spots, and I'm back to tell you all about it.

First up a Texas staple: Whataburger. Fail. That meat patty was so floppy and thin! I like my burgers thick. This burger is 90% bread and toppings and 10% meat. no no and no. Where was the beef!? The fries were boring and generic. Only upside, the bill was dirt cheap. Ah well, live and learn on that one.

On the other hand, a few days later my buddy and I had JewBoy Burger food truck and that was much tastier. I ordered the Jewboy Burger because I'm boring with burgers and like it served the most classic way available. This has meat I could actually get a measurement on and seasoned like a good home-made burger. The bread was a little bit too big and I don't like it when my last 3 bites just bread and ketchup. Last one or two bites of bread are okay, 3 is too much bread. Keeping with the jewish tradition, this truck offered latkes instead of fries. Oh, you don't know what a latke is?! Poor unfortunate soul. They're hash-browns, but more ethnic and passover-y. Oh baby the crunch on these potato pancakes was on point, the seasoning..not as much. Nice amount of pepper, but no salt to balance that out. They're a fairly new truck and the owner was super friendly. I think over all the burger was great, and will only get better with a few trial and errors.

Nothing goes together like burgers and doughnuts! Actually I have no idea if those two things go together but they're both classics. This week I also took a walk along 6th street and tried Voodoo Doughnuts. Naturally, I had to pick the doughnut that looked like a little monster, aptly named Voodoo Doll. Reasonable prices, vast array of flavors and a funky glam atmosphere are among the things that make this stop a must see. The Voodoo Doll is a regular doughnut shaped like a blob person usually with one arm and a little pretzel staked in it's torso. Topped with chocolate and pink frosting make these pastries little cutie patooties you want to bite! Unfortunately, when i got to the end, near it's little butt I got a hit of raspberry jam. I hate filled doughnuts because it's usually too much goop and of all the jams, raspberry is one of my least favorites. So in the future I'll just pick the Doll's boring, circular, unfilled counterpart.

That thing next to my Voodoo Doll is an Old Dirty Bastard, which I didn't taste.

Estha Fiesta


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